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Wednesday, August 5, 2009

My New House (yay me!!!!)

Sorry its been so long but I have something of significance to post now... As of Friday, Aug. 7th I will be a homeowner. Exciting, huh? I think so at least. Me and my baby will no longer be living with mom and dad. I am one more step toward where I am going. I don't want to say where I want to be in life because I don't really know ezactly where that is at this time. I am just happy to be one step closer to where I am headed. Life is kind of funny isnt it? You wake up one day totally stressed because you feel like the rut that you are in is just going deeper underground, but then comes a day when you take a step towards a new outlook on life and it is as everything turns around and the days seem a little bit better. God is working and I am starting to get back to where I am, in a way, a little happier than before.
It just gets better all the time,


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