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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Time to Hang out!

I tend to think about all the times that I have asked others to hang out, and I am starting to realize that I seem to be what I like to call the "constant asker". Just as the phrase inplies, I feel lile I am always the one asking to hang out with the other person. I begin to wonder if that means that I am the one in the friendship that is really trying to make time. I don't like constantly asking, because in the back of my mind I am wondering if the other friend wants to even hang out with me, or if they are just being polite because you really don't want to tell someone, "No, I really don't want to hang out with you."
I am pretty sure that is not the case with my friends, but I guess I just let my mind think that since I get the (at least to me) normal answer of "Sure let's hang out sometime." That's a great answer when it is followed up. If there is no follow up later and I have to ask about hanging out again, I kind of feel that I am pushing to hang out more than the other person and I feel that I look kind of desperate for friends.
Sometimes I feel that way, desperate for time with friends, but I don't want to look that way... I want to look like I have it together and am busy, not that I am waiting for my friends to make time for little old me..
I should be able to think of myself in a better light than that, waiting for someone to hang out and give me some attention.. Not by myself widdling away the hours until a friend has time to throw a few hours my way...
Okay that's all I have to say..
I feel like this post has become a bit of a pity party on me and it shouldnt be...


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