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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

An Old New Car/Van

I am now the proud owner of a 1993 Plymouth Voyager van. It has been passed around our family in the last couple of months. We have had it since my aunt and uncle passed it to us for my older brother to use. It's been around for a while and since my car was or is going to be totaled, I needed a ride. It's not a bad van, few flaws in it but every vehicle has that.
About the whole accident thing, I had it on the 22nd of December. My insurance called me 4 times in the first 2 or 3 days to make sure everything was okay and to let me know that they were taking care of everything. My insurance company is Progressive and they actually got the accident report, sent it to the other insurance company, All-State, and called the other guys insurance to keep things moving. SO my side of the accident was taken care of. Now let me say that I am still waiting for the rest of the stuff to be done and get the whole thing done and be paid for my vehicle. The accident wasn't my fault so my insurance was not really too involved in the whole thing. So I called today to find out what was going on and All State told me that they didnt have the information in that office and gave me the claim number and this 1-800 number to call. Called it and was told there was a 45 minute wait til the next available person. Had to be at work in 20 minutes so just hung up. I'll have to call them again tomorrow and get more info. but anyway that is where things stand at this point. I am sick of it all at this point, just get in gear and get it done man!!! Last I knew they were waiting on the other guy's statement for the proof that he did it, or something like that....

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