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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

How should I title this one?

Okay so back in June I had my accident, I think I even have a post about it on here somewhere... Well, I am still dealing with it. It's okay, but aggravating! Having to deal with it continues to bring flashbacks to the forefront of my mind, why can't it just be something I dealt with and be done? It won't be that way, I get that! The images don't really ever leave, they seem to come up when I don't want them to.. like today talking about the liability part of the claim. I can't understand the money part of these processes, just thankful that there is help through all this..

I tend to question though, I have a wonderful absolutely sweet friend that i had come to my rescue right after the accident, staying with me two days until I finally started to get a handle on things, but I ramble... so back to the question.. how much longer can I lean? I mean, I really feel that I need support again with having to go back to the accident stuff, but shouldn't I be able to handle this stuff on my own? I know that I have to, but I just feel like I need that support for just a little longer.. is that a bad thing?

I lean on God, so anyone thinking that is the answer should stop now. I am a Christ-follower and I believe that he is with me through all of this, I truly do.. But I also need to feel the support, like person to person, and that is something that has to come through a friend as they are led by God to send their support my way.

I hope this makes sense, as I am typing as I am thinking and sometimes what I am thinking and then what I type seem to get muddled and just thrown out of whack..

Okay that's all!

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